Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day at Church

Day at Church

I sat grasping my New King James Version Bible as a 50 something man who resembled that of the KFC clan. He began to rant on how our country has come into decline within the past 40-50 years. If that is so, am I to ignore the genocide that sparked our nation, then the slavery that followed to build our economy to the super power it is of yesterday. Those times produced families that bled success. The type that you usually see at your friendly-neighborhood Republican- Presidential- Convention. Our country was founded on God, ok, I get it, I believe in God and Jesus Christ; but last time I checked we did not get a pass to rape and pillage the world, then put it in poetic documents that certain preachers nowadays use as a tool to peddle towards their own destination. Moral of the story is simple. If you are behind your issues then great. Back them with passion and your full heart. But, do not begin to scrape up misinterpreted history to better your argument. Your beliefs should stand side by side your ideas.

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